
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.th TYPO I 1/15/73
.sh NAME
typo \*- find possible typos
.bd typo
[ \*- ] file\d1\u ...
.it Typo
hunts through a document for unusual
words, typographic errors, and
.it "hapax legomena"
and prints
them on the standard output.
The words used in the document are printed
out in decreasing order of peculiarity along
with an index of peculiarity.  An index of 10
or more is considered peculiar.  Printing of
certain very common English words is suppressed.
The statistics for judging words are taken from
the document itself, with some help from known
statistics of English.  The `\*-' option suppresses
the help from English and should be used if the
document is written in, for example, Urdu.
.it Roff
.it nroff
control lines are ignored.
Upper case is mapped into lower case.
Quote marks, vertical bars, hyphens, and ampersands are stripped from
within words.
Words hyphenated across lines are put back together.
/tmp/ttmp??, /usr/lib/salt, /usr/lib/w2006
.sh BUGS
of the mapping into lower case and the stripping
of special characters, words
may be hard to locate in the original text.
The expanded escape sequences
.it troff
are not correctly recognized.