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.th CHOWN II 8/5/73
.sh NAME
chown \*- change owner
(chmod = 16.)
.ft B
sys chown; name; owner
chown(name, owner)
char *name;
.ft R
The file
whose name is given by the null-terminated string pointed
to by
.it name
has its owner changed to
.it owner
(a numerical user ID).
Only the present owner of a file (or the super-user) may
donate the file to another user.
Changing the owner of a file
removes the set-user-ID
protection bit
unless it is done by the super user or
the real user ID is the new owner.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
chown(I), uids(V)
The error bit (c-bit) is set
on illegal owner changes.
From C a \*-1 returned value indicates error,
0 indicates success.