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.th KL IV 8/24/73
.sh NAME
kl \*- KL-11/TTY-33 console typewriter
.it Tty
(as distinct from
.it tty?
refers to the console
typewriter hard-wired to the PDP-11 via a KL-11 interface.
The disciplines involved in dealing with
.it tty
are identical to those for
.it tty?
and section DC(I)
should be consulted.
The following differences are salient:
The system calls
.it stty
.it gtty
apply, and the bits in the mode word have
the same meanings,
but the speed-select word is ignored.
The quit signal is generated
by the key marked `alt mode.'
By appropriate
console switch settings, it is possible to cause
come up as a single-user system
with I/O on this device.
/dev/tty8	synonym for /dev/tty
/dev/tty9	second console
.sh "SEE ALSO"
dc(IV), init(VII)
.sh BUGS