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including files from this version of Unix.

.th RP IV 10/15/73
.sh NAME
rp \*- RP-11/RP03 moving-head disk
The files
.it "rp0 ... rp7"
refer to sections of RP disk drive 0.
The files
.it "rp8 ... rp15"
refer to drive 1 etc.
This is done since the size of
a full RP drive is 81200 blocks and
internally the system is only capable
of addressing 65536
Also since the disk is so large,
this allows it to be broken up
into more manageable pieces.
The origin and size of the pseudo-disks on each drive are
as follows:
	disk	start	length
	0	0	40600
	1	40600	40600
	2	0	3200
	3	3200	39000
	4	42200	39000
	5-7	unassigned
.sh BUGS