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.th SFS VI 6/25/73
.sh NAME
sfs \*- structured file scanner
.bd sfs
filename [ \*- ]
.it Sfs
provides an interactive program for scanning and pactching a structured
file. If the second argument is supplied, the file is block addressed.
Some features of
.it sfs
.lp +5 3
1.	It provides interactive and preprogramed operation.
.lp +5 3
2.	It provides expression evaluation (32 bit precision) and branching.
.lp +5 3
3.	It provides the ability to assimulate a large set of
heirarchical structure definitions.
.lp +5 3
4.	It provides the ability to locate, to dump, and to patch
specific instances of structure in the file.
in the
dump and patch operations the external form of the structure
is selected by the user.
.lp +5 3
5.	It provides the ability to escape to the
command level to allow the use of other
debugging aids.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
``SFS reference manual'' (internal memorandum)
.sh BUGS