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.th TMG VI 10/21/72
.sh NAME
tmg \*- compiler-compiler
.bd tmg
.it Tmg
produces a translator for the language whose parsing
and translation rules are described in file name.t.
The new translator appears
in a.out and may be used thus:
.bd a.out
input [ output ]
Except in rare cases input must be a randomly
addressable file.
If no output file is specified, the standard output file
is assumed.
/sys/tmg/tmgl.o	the compiler-compiler
/sys/tmg[abc]	libraries
alloc.d		table storage
.sh "SEE ALSO"
A Manual for the Tmg Compiler-writing Language,
internal memorandum.
Syntactic errors result in "???" followed by the
offending line.
Situations such as space overflow
with which the Tmg processor or a Tmg-produced
processor can not cope result in a descriptive comment and 
a dump.
M. D. McIlroy
.sh BUGS
9.2 footnote 1 is not enforced, causing trouble.
Restrictions (7.) against mixing bundling primitives
should be lifted.
Certain hidden reserved words exist: gpar, classtab, trans.
Octal digits include 8=10 and 9=11.