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.th DUMP VIII 11/24/73
.sh NAME
dump \*- incremental file system dump
.bd dump
[ key [ arguments ] filesystem ]
.it Dump
will make an incremental file system dump
on magtape
of all files changed after a certain date.
The argument
.it key,
specifies the date and other options about the dump.
.it Key
consists of characters from
the set
.bd iu0hds.
.lp +5 3
\fBi\fR	the
dump date is taken from the file
.bd /etc/ddate.
.lp +5 3
\fBu\fR	the date just prior to this dump
is written on
.bd /etc/ddate
upon successful completion of this dump.
.lp +5 3
\fB0\fR	the dump date is taken as the epoch
(beginning of time).
Thus this option causes an entire file system dump to be taken.
.lp +5 3
\fBh\fR	the dump date is some number of hours before the current date.
The number of hours is taken from the next argument in
.it arguments.
.lp +5 3
\fBd\fR	the dump date is some number of days before the current date.
The number of days is taken from the next argument in
.it arguments.
.lp +5 3
\fBs\fR	the size of the dump tape is specified in feet.
The number of feet is taken from the next argument in
.it arguments.
It is assumed that there are 9 standard UNIX records per foot.
When the specified size is reached,
the dump will wait for reels to be changed.
The default size is 1700 feet.
If no arguments are given,
.it key
is assumed to be
.bd i
and the file system is
assumed to be
.bd /dev/rp1.
Full dumps
should be taken on quiet file systems as follows:
	dump 0u /dev/rp1
	check -l /dev/rp1
.it check
will come in handy in case it is necessary
to resore indiviidual files from this dump.
Incremental dumps should then be taken
when desired by:
When the incremental dumps get cumbersome,
a new complete dump should be taken.
In this way,
a restore requires
loading of the complete dump tape and only the latest incremental tape.
/dev/mt0	magtape
/dev/rp1	default file system
.sh "SEE ALSO"
restor, check(VIII), dump(V)
.sh BUGS