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.th RESTOR VIII 11/24/73
.sh NAME
restor \*- incremental file system restore
.bd restor
key [ arguments ]
.it Restor
is used to read magtapes dumped with the
.it dump
.it key
argument specifies what is to be done.
.it Key
is a character from the set
.bd trxw.
.lp +5 3
\fBt\fR	The date that the tape was made and the date that
was specified in the
.it dump
command are printed.
A list of all of the i-numbers on the tape
are also given.
.lp +5 3
\fBr\fR	The tape
is read and loaded into the file system
specified in
.it arguments.
This should not be done lightly (see below).
.lp +5 3
\fBx\fR	Each file on the
tape is individually extracted into
a file whose name is the file's i-number.
there are
.it arguments,
they are interpreted as i-numbers and only they are
.lp +5 3
\fBw\fR	In conjunction with the
.bd x
before each file is extracted,
its i-number is typed out.
To extract this file,
you must respond with
.bd y.
.bd r
option should only be used to restore
a complete dump tape onto a clear file system
or to restore an incremental dump tape onto this.
	/etc/mkfs /dev/rp0 40600
	restor r /dev/rp0
is a typical sequence to restore a complete dump.
.it restor
can be done to get an incremental dump
in on top of this.
.it dump
followed by a
.it mkfs
and a
.it restor
is used to
change the size of a file system.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
dump, mkfs, check, clri (VIII)
There are various diagnostics
involved with reading the tape and writing the disk.
There are also diagnostics if the i-list or the free list
of the file system is not large enough to hold the dump.
.sh BUGS
There is redundant information on the tape
that could be used in case of tape reading problems.
.it restor's
approach is to exit if anything is wrong.
Files that have been deleted are
not removed when incremental tapes are loaded.
It will be necessary to
.it check
the restored file system and
.it clri
any files that show up with
a 201 delta diagnostic.
The current version of
.it restor
does not free space occupied
by files that are overwritten.
Thus a
.it check
will have to be performed to reclain the missing