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.th PROF I 3/12/73
.sh NAME
prof \*- display profile data
.bd prof
.bd \*-v
] [
.bd \*-a
] [
.bd \*-l
] [ file ]
.it Prof
will read the file
produced by the
monitor subroutine.
Under default modes,
the namelist in the
object file (a.out default)
is read and correlated to the
mon.out profile.
The percentage of time spent
between adjacent valued
external symbols is printed
in decreasing order.
If the
.bd \*-a
option is used,
all symbols are used rather than
just external symbols.
If the option
.bd \*-l
is used,
the output is listed by
symbol value rather than
decreasing percentage.
If the
.bd \*-v
option is used,
all printing is suppressed
and a profile plot is produced
on /dev/vt0.
mon.out	for profile
a.out		for namelist
/dev/vt0	for plotting
.sh "SEE ALSO"
mon(III), profil(II)
.sh BUGS