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.pa 1
.he 'UNSPK (VIII)'4/13/73'UNSPK (VIII)'
.ti 0
NAME		unspk -- decode voice synthesizer text
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	unspk_____ [ -_ ] [ input [ output ] ]
.ti 0
DESCRIPTION	unspk_____
is inverse to 
It translates coded voice synthesizer input, as created by 
into phonetic strings
of the sort accepted by 
Standard output or input is assumed when one or the other
is unspecified.
The -_ option produces output in a different phonetic code
for another vocal tract synthesizer [C. H. Coker,
Speech synthesis by modelling the human articulatory
system, MM69-1232-29].
unspk_____ lives in /crp/vs
.ti 0
.ti 0
SEE ALSO	speak(I), vsp(VII)
.ti 0
DIAGNOSTICS	"Input file." -- can't open it
"Output file." -- can't create it
.ti 0
BUGS		--