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.th MAIL I 2/21/75
.sh NAME
mail  \*-  send mail to designated users
.bd mail
.bd \-yn
[ person ... ]
.it Mail
with no argument
searches for a file
.it .mail,
prints it if it is nonempty,
then asks if it should be saved.
If the answer
.bd y,
the mail is added to
.it mbox.
.it .mail
is truncated to zero length.
To leave the mailbox untouched,
hit `delete.'
The question can be answered on the command line
with the argument `\-y' or `\-n'.
.it persons
are named,
.it mail
takes the standard input up to an end of file
and adds it to each
.it person's
.it .mail
The message is preceded by the sender's name and a postmark.
.it person
is either
a user name recognized by
.it login
in which case the mail
is sent to the default working directory of that user;
or the path name of a directory,
in which case
.it .mail
in that directory is used.
When a user logs in he is informed of the presence
of mail.
No mail will be received from a sender to whom
.it .mail
is inaccessible or unwritable.
/etc/passwd	to identify sender and locate persons
/etc/utmp	to identify sender
.mail		input mail
mbox		saved mail
/tmp/m#	temp file
.sh "SEE ALSO"
write (I)
.sh BUGS