
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.th PR I 3/20/74
.sh NAME
pr  \*-  print file
.bd pr
.bd \*-h
.it header
] [ \fB\*-\fIn\fR ] [ \fB+\fIn\fR ]
[ \fB\*-w\fIn\fR ] [ \fB\*-l\fIn\fR ] [ \fB\*-t\fR ] [
.bd \*-s\fIc\fB
] [
.bd \*-m
. . .
.it Pr
produces a printed listing of one or more files.
The output is separated into pages headed by a date,
the name of the file or a specified header, and the page number.
If there are no file arguments,
.it pr
prints its standard
input, and is thus usable as a filter.
Options apply to all following files but may be reset
between files:
.lp +5 5
\fB\*-\fIn\fR	produce \fIn\fR-column output
.lp +5 5
\fB+\fIn\fR	begin printing with page \fIn\fR
.lp +5 5
\fB\*-h\fR	treat the next argument as a header to be used instead of the file name
.lp +5 5
\fB\*-w\fIn\fR	for purposes of multi-column output,
take the width of the page to be
.it n
characters instead of the default 72
.lp +5 5
\fB\*-l\fIn\fR	take the length of the page to be
.it n
lines instead of the default 66
.lp +5 5
\fB\*-t\fR	do not print the 5-line header or the
5-line trailer normally supplied for each page
.lp +5 5
\fB\*-s\fIc\fR	separate columns by the single character
.it c
instead of by the appropriate amount of white space.
A missing
.it c
is taken to be a tab.
.lp +5 5
\fB\*-m\fR	print all files simultaneously,
each in one column
Interconsole messages via write(I) are
forbidden during a
.it pr.
to suspend messages.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
cat (I), cp (I)
none; files not found are ignored
.sh BUGS