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.tc |
.tr |
.th TROFF I 4/15/75
.sh NAME
troff  \*-  format text
.bd troff
[ \fB+\fIn\fR ] [ \fB\*-\fIn\fR ] [
\fB\-s\fIn\fR ] [
] [
] [
] [
.bd \*-t
] [
.bd \*-f
] [
.bd \*-w
] [
.bd \*-a
] [
] files
.it Troff
formats text for a Graphic Systems phototypesetter
according to control lines embedded
in the text files.
It reads the standard input if
no file
arguments are given.
An argument of just ``\-'' refers to the standard input.
The non-file option arguments are interpreted as follows:
.lp +10 10
\fB+\fIn\fR	Commence
typesetting at the first page numbered \fIn\fR or larger.
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-\fIn\fR	Stop
after page
.it n.
.lp +10 10
\fB\-s\fIn\fR	Print output
in groups of
.it n
stopping the typesetter after each group.
.lp +10 10
\fB\-n\fIn\fR	First generated (not necessarily printed)
page is given the number \fIn;\fR
simulates ``.pn|\fIn\fR''.
.lp +10 10
\fB\-r\fIan\fR	Set
number register
.it a
to the value
.it n.
.lp +10 10
\fB\-m\fIname\fR	Prepends a standard macro file;
simulates ``.so /usr/lib/tmac.\fIname\fR''.
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-t\fR	Place output
on standard output instead
of the phototypesetter.
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-f\fR	Refrain
from feeding out paper and stopping the phototypesetter
at the end.
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-w\fR	Wait
until phototypesetter is available, if currently busy.
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-a\fR	Send a printable
of the results to the standard output.
.lp +10 10
\fB\-p\fIn\fR	Print all characters
with point-size \fIn\fR while
retaining all prescribed spacings and motions.
/usr/lib/suftab	suffix hyphenation tables
/tmp/rtm?	temporary
/usr/lib/tmac.*	standard macro files
.sh "SEE ALSO"
TROFF User's Manual (internal memorandum).
TROFF Made Trivial (internal memorandum).
nroff (I), eqn (I),
catsim (VI)
.sh BUGS