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.th RESET III 5/10/73
.sh NAME
reset, setexit \*- execute non-local goto
.ft B
.bd "setexit( )"
.bd "reset( )"
.ft R
These routines are useful for dealing with errors 
and interrupts encountered in
a low-level subroutine of a program.
.it Setexit
saves its stack environment in a static place for
later use by
.it reset.
.it Reset
restores the environment saved by the last call of
.it setexit.
It then returns in such a way that execution
continues as if the call of 
.it setexit
had just returned.
All accessible data have values as of the
.it reset 
was called.
The routine that called
.it setexit
must still be active when
.it reset
is called.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
signal (II)
.sh BUGS