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.th SETFIL III 10/29/73
.sh NAME
setfil \*- specify Fortran file name
.ft B
call setfil ( \fRunit\fB, \fRhollerith-string\fB )
.ft R
.it Setfil
provides a primitive way to associate
an integer I/O
.it unit
number with a file named by the
.it hollerith-string.
The end of the file name is indicated by a blank.
Subsequent I/O on this unit number will refer to
the file whose name is specified by
the string.
.it Setfil
should be called only before any I/O has been done on the
.it unit,
or just after doing a
.bd rewind
.bd endfile.
It is ineffective for unit numbers 5 and 6.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
fc (I)
.sh BUGS
The exclusion of units 5 and 6 is