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.th LP IV 5/27/74
.sh NAME
lp \*- line printer
.it Lp
provides the interface to any of the standard
DEC line printers.
When it is opened or closed, a suitable number
of page ejects is generated.
Bytes written are printed.
An internal parameter within the driver determines
whether or not the device is treated as having
a 96- or 64-character set.
In half-ASCII mode, lower case letters are turned
upper case
and certain characters are escaped according to
the following table:
.if t .ig
.lp +10 5
{	(-
.lp +10 5
}	)-
.lp +10 5
\*g	\*a-
.lp +10 5
|	!-
.lp +10 5
~	^-
.if n .ig
.lp +10 5
{	\o"(\*-"
.lp +10 5
}	\o")\*-"
.lp +10 5
\*g	\o"\*a\*-"
.lp +10 5
|	\o"!\*-"
.lp +10 5
~	\o"^\*-"
The driver correctly interprets
carriage returns, backspaces, tabs, and form feeds.
A sequence of newlines which extends over the end of
a page is turned into a form feed.
All lines are indented 8 characters.
Lines longer than 80 characters are truncated.
These numbers are parameters in the driver;
another parameter allows indenting all printout
if it is unpleasantly near the left margin.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
lpr (I)
.sh BUGS
Half-ASCII mode, the indent and the maximum line length should
be settable by a call analogous to stty (II).