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.th FED VI 1/15/73
.sh NAME
fed \*- edit form letter memory
.bd fed
.it Fed
is used to edit a form letter associative memory
.bd form.m,
which consists of named strings.
Commands consist of single letters followed by a list of
string names separated by a single space and ending with a
new line.
The conventions of the Shell with respect to `*' and `?' hold for
all commands but \fBm\fR.
The commands are:
.lp +3 3
\fBe\fR name ...
.it Fed
writes the string whose name is
.it name
onto a temporary file
and executes
.it ed.
On exit from the
\fIed\fR the temporary file is copied back into the associative
Each argument is operated on separately.
Be sure to give an editor
.it w
command (without a filename)
to rewrite
.it fed's
temporary file
before quitting out of
.it ed.
.lp +3 3
.bd d
[ name ... ]
deletes a string and its name from the memory.  When called with
no arguments
.bd d
operates in a verbose mode typing each string
name and deleting only if a
.bd y
is typed.  A
.bd q
response returns
to \fIfed\fR's command level.  Any other response does nothing.
.lp +3 3
.bd m
name1 name2 ...
(move) changes the name of name1 to name2 and removes previous
string name2 if one exists.  Several pairs of arguments may be given.
Literal strings are expected for the names.
.lp +3 3
.bd n
[ name ... ]
(names) lists the string names in the memory.  If called with
the optional arguments, it just lists those requested.
.lp +3 3
.bd p
name ...
prints the contents of the strings with names given by the arguments.
.lp +3 3
.bd q
returns to the system.
.lp +3 3
.bd c
.bd p
] [
.bd f
checks the associative memory file for consistency
and reports the number of free headers and blocks.
The optional arguments do the following:
.lp +6 3
\fBp\fR	causes any unaccounted-for string to be 
.lp +6 3
\fBf\fR	fixes broken memories by adding 
unaccounted-for headers to free
storage and removing references to
released headers from associative
/tmp/ftmp?	temporary
form.m		associative memory
.sh "SEE ALSO"
form (VI), ed (I), sh (I)
is legal but unwise to have string names
with blanks, `*' or `?' in them.
.sh BUGS