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.th LPD VIII 6/1/74
.sh NAME
lpd \*- line printer daemon
.bd /etc/lpd
.it Lpd
is the line printer daemon (spool area handler)
invoked by
.it opr.
It uses the directory
.it /usr/lpd.
The file
.it lock
in that directory
is used to prevent two daemons from becoming
active simultaneously.
After the daemon has successfully set the lock,
it scans the directory for files
beginning with ``df.''
Lines in each
.it df
file specify files to be printed
in the same way as is done by the data-phone daemon dpd (VIII).
/usr/lpd/*	spool area
/dev/lp  	printer
.sh "SEE ALSO"
dpd (VIII), opr (I)
.sh BUGS