/ f24 -- allocate storage for non-common variables
/ called after common and equivalence have been done
.globl salloc
.globl eqvtab
.globl error
.globl declimpl
.globl size
.globl perror
/ destroys all registers
mov r5,-(sp)
clr r3 / loop over symbol table
br 2f
add $8.,r3 / next variable
cmp r3,symtp
blo 2f
mov (sp)+,r5
mov $line,r1
jsr r5,perror / flush errors
rts r5
bit $70,symtab(r3)
beq 1b / unclassed
jsr r5,declimpl / just in case
tst eqvtab(r3) / test for already allocated
bne 1b / yes
mov symtab(r3),r0
bic $!70,r0
cmp r0,$10 / test class=simple
beq 2f
cmp r0,$20 / test array
bne 1b / no, not a variable
bit $200,symtab(r3) / test parameter
bne 1b
tst eqvtab+2(r3) / test for equivalence
bne 2f / yes
bit $100,symtab(r3) / test common
bne 1b / yes, nothing to do
mov nxtaloc,symtab+6(r3) / offset
jsr r5,size / get byte count
add r0,nxtaloc
inc eqvtab(r3) / mark allocated
br 1b
clr r4 / common variable of group
mov $77777,r1 / infinity to smallest offset
mov r3,r5
cmp eqvtab+4(r3),r1
bgt 3f
mov eqvtab+4(r3),r1 / replace smallest offset
bit $100,symtab(r3) / test common
beq 3f
mov r3,r4 / yes
mov eqvtab+2(r3),r3 / next group member
cmp r3,r5
bne 2b
tst r4
bne 2f / *there was a common in group
/ equivalence group w/o common
sub nxtaloc,r1 / get -(group offset)
inc eqvtab(r3) / mark allocated
mov eqvtab+4(r3),r2
sub r1,r2 / compute offset
mov r2,symtab+6(r3) / enter offset
jsr r5,size
add r0,r2 / highest loc of variable
cmp r2,r4
ble 4f
mov r2,r4 / extends storage
mov eqvtab+2(r3),r3 / next of group
cmp r3,r5
bne 3b
mov r4,nxtaloc / account for space
br 1b / done!
2: / equivalence group w/ common
mov symtab+6(r4),r1 / actual common offset
sub eqvtab+4(r4),r1 / virtual common offset
inc eqvtab(r3) / mark allocated
bit $100,symtab(r3) / is variable already in common
beq 3f / *no
cmp symtab+4(r4),symtab+4(r3)
beq 4f
jsr r5,error; 25. / different blocks equiv.
mov r1,r0
add eqvtab+4(r3),r0
cmp r0,symtab+6(r3)
beq 4f / ok
jsr r5,error; 27. / same variable, different offsets
br 4f
bis $100,symtab(r3) / mark common now
mov symtab+4(r4),symtab+4(r3)/ get right common block
mov r1,r0
add eqvtab+4(r3),r0
bge 3f
jsr r5,error; 26. / block extended leftward
clr r0
mov r0,symtab+6(r3) / get proper offset
mov r0,-(sp)
jsr r5,size / see if size is extended
add (sp)+,r0
mov symtab+4(r3),r2 / common block
cmp symtab+6(r2),r0
bge 4f / ok
mov r0,symtab+6(r2) / extend size
mov eqvtab+2(r3),r3
cmp r3,r5
bne 2b
jmp 1b