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.ds N6 Six
.ds N9 Nine
.ds L1 at the beginning
.ds L2 in the second place
.ds L3 in the third place
.ds L4 in the fourth place
.ds L5 in the fifth place
.ds L6 at the top
.ds GR ()
.ds CR []
.ds BL \(em\(em\ \(em\(em
.ds SL \(em\(em\(em\(em\(em
.ds T1 Ch\'ien\ The Creative, Heaven
.ds T2 Sun\ \ \ \ The Gentle, Wind
.ds T3 Li\ \ \ \ \ The Clinging, Flame
.ds T4 K\o'^e'n\ \ \ \ Keeping Still, Mountain
.ds T5 Tui\ \ \ \ The Joyous, Lake
.ds T6 K\'an\ \ \ The Abysmal, Water
.ds T7 Ch\o'^e'n\ \ \ The Arousing, Thunder
.ds T8 K\'un\ \ \ The Receptive, Earth
.de H
.ds LH The Lines
.in 0
.ta 0.5i 1.0i 1.5i 2.0i
.sp 2
\\$1.	\\$2 / \\$3
.de X
.XX \\$1 "above" "\\*(T\\$1"
.XX \\$2 "below" "\\*(T\\$2"
.de XX
.ie \\$1>4 	\\*(BL
.el 	\\*(SL
.ie (\\$1-1%4)>1 	\\*(BL\\c
.el 	\\*(SL\\c
	\\$2	\\$3
.ie \\$1%2 	\\*(SL
.el 	\\*(BL
.de J
.in 0
The Judgement
.in 0.5i
.de I
.in 0
The Image
.in 0.5i
.de LX
.in 0.5i
.ti -0.5i
.if '\\$3'G' \\{\\
\\*(GR	\\$1 \\$2 means:\\}
.if '\\$3'C' \\{\\
\\*(CR	\\$1 \\$2 means:\\}
.if '\\$3'' \\{\\
	\\$1 \\$2 means:\\}
.de L
.if !'\\*(LH'' \\{\\
.in 0
.rm LH
.in 0.5i\\}
.LX "\\*(N\\$2" "\\*(L\\$1" \\$3
.de LA
.if '\\$1'6' .LX "When all the lines are" "sixes, it"
.if '\\$1'9' .LX "When all the lines are" "nines, it"
.po 0.5i