
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

LESSONS = files editor morefiles macros eqn C

FILES = lrndef lrnref \
	copy.c dounit.c learn.c list.c \
	makpipe.c maktee.c mem.c mysys.c selsub.c selunit.c \
	start.c whatnow.c wrapup.c \
	lcount.c tee.c \

OBJECTS = copy.o dounit.o learn.o list.o mem.o \
	makpipe.o maktee.o mysys.o selsub.o selunit.o \
	start.o whatnow.o wrapup.o

LLIB	= /usr/lib/learn

cp:	all
	cp learn /bin
	cp tee $(LLIB)
	cp lcount $(LLIB)
	rm learn tee lcount *.o
	@echo "Now do 'make lessons' if you need to extract the lesson archives"
	@echo "Then do 'make play; make log' to make playpen and log directories"

cmp:	all
	cmp learn /bin/learn
	cmp tee $(LLIB)/tee
	cmp lcount $(LLIB)/lcount
	rm learn tee lcount *.o

all:	learn tee lcount

learn: $(OBJECTS)
	cc -n -s -o learn $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBRARY)

$(OBJECTS): lrnref
learn.o: lrndef

lcount tee:
	cc $(CFLAGS) -s -n $@.c -o $@ $(LIBRARY)

lessons:	$(LESSONS)

	-rm -r $(LLIB)/$@
	mkdir $(LLIB)/$@
	(cd $(LLIB)/$@; ar x ../$@.a)

play log:
	-rm -r $(LLIB)/$@; mkdir $(LLIB)/$@; chmod +w $(LLIB)/$@

	-@test -r $(LLIB)/tee || echo 'tee not present; make tee'
	-@test -r $(LLIB)/lcount || echo 'lcount not present; make lcount'
	-@test -r $(LLIB)/play || echo 'play directory not present; make play'
	-@test -r $(LLIB)/log || echo 'log directory not present; make log'
	-@for i in $(LESSONS); do test -r $(LLIB)/$$i/L0 || echo $$i not unarchived, make $$i; done